Friday 14 February 2014


Memory is our ability to store, retain and to be able to recall information in our brain. Just by hearing or reading information it doesn’t mean that you’re learning, you have to be able to remember the information in order to have knowledge of it. Chunking is a strategy used to help us remember things in groups. This can be very useful and effective but it also has it’s negatives. For example, chunking is often used to learn the alphabet but by only remembering it in a certain order, it makes it difficult to remember certain parts of it without going through the whole pattern e.g we all know the alphabet, but would all struggle to do it backwards because we have all learnt it using the chunking technique.

Systematic procedures also help to improve memory. An example of this would be using a sentence to help spell a word, such as Billy Eats Cakes And Uses Six Eggs to spell the word because. This method is also often used to remember patterns, such as the colours of the rainbow and the planets of the universe.  The only negative of this method is that people rely on it, and are unable to remember the pattern without using this technique.

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