Wednesday 19 February 2014


Twitter is a social network that is used by millions of people. You can publicly post whatever you like to say and can also add images and links, and it allows you to see what other people post. Unlike Facebook, you don't add people as friends and send requests to be signed up to each others profiles. On twitter, you simply follow someone and their tweets will then appear on your home page with the rest of the people you follow, unless the person has made their profile private. Twitter also has other features which allow you to communicate and keep up to date with society. When another person makes a tweet, you can "retweet" and/or "favourite" it. Retweeting it will add it to your personal page, and it will be shown on the home page for the people following you to see. Favouriting it will put it in a list with your other favourites, which are only viewable if you click on someone's favourite list. You can also reply to peoples tweets which easily allows you to have conversations and send messages back and forth to each other similar to texting. This means that everyone can see the conversation as they are tweets you're making on your personal page and they will show on he home page of those following you. However, Twitter also has a feature called "Direct Messaging" which means you can directly message someone and they'll be notified about it and be able to read it and reply without noone else being able to see it.

 Advantages of twitter;
1. Able to follow celebrities and other profiles which you're interested in
2. Keeps you updated with what's going on
3. Can communicate with people and see tweets and photo's which you may find interesting or funny
4. Free way to share images and to communicate with people all over the world
5. Often find interesting information and can learn alot of new things from others

Disadvantages of twitter;
1. People can get hold of your personal information and use it for
2. Can easily get addicted
3. Bullying can be popular on social networks
4. Stalkers can use twitter to find out what people are doing and where they may be

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