Wednesday 19 February 2014

Vygotsky's disagreements of Jean Piaget's theories

Vygotsky made his theories around the same time as Jean Piaget who was another theorist who also specialised on cognitive development. Like Piaget, he believed that children are actively involved in constructing their own learning, discovering and developing of new understandings. However, Vygotsky was a social constructivist where was Piaget was a cognitive constructivist, so he placed more emphasis on social contributions to the process of development, whereas Piaget emphasised on self-initiated discovery. A lot of Vygotsky’s theories contradict those of Piaget as he did not believe in the stages and content of development. Another disagreement was on the order of the process. Vygotsky argued that learning is an aspect of developing, so he thought social learning must come before development, whereas Piaget’s notion stated that children’s development must precede their learning.

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