Tuesday 18 February 2014

Why use a Voki?

I decided to use the 'Voki' Web application because I believe that it can be very useful for education. A Voki can help to keep pupils interested and focused as it adds something different and is also interactive, allowing children to have hand on experiences. An app like this is great for teaching younger children, a cartoon character that they can listen to and can personally edit will instantly capture their attention. Apps like these are simple to use and are available to anyone. Trying to learn a lot of information can often be difficult and a child can easily lose interest if the learning style stays the same, for example reading a book or listening to a teacher talk for an hour can often bore a child and it's very unlikely that they will actually learn something. Adding something like a Voki to the content can make a big difference, and will help to improve a child's computing skills at the same time.

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